
For best results, you will want to purchase an enzyme-type stain remover。 This will break down the protein, oil, and fat which is causing your stain。
- While it isn’t always possible, it’s best to remove stains when they are fresh。 Once your guests are gone and the dishes are in the sink, remove your tablecloth and napkins and start pre-treating them!
- To pre-treat, use your enzyme-based stain remover as directed on the package。 While you are pre-treating your stains, start filling your washing machine or laundry tub with hot water。
- Place your pre-treated linens into the hot water and soak for at least 8 hours or overnight。
- After your linen has soaked, add more hot water to your machine or tub and run on a short cycle。 You can run the linens on a long cycle, but that will add extra wear and tear。
- Remove your linen from your washer or tub。 Don’t wring them at this point, as this will stress the fabric as well as cause wrinkles!
- Ideally, you will be able to hang your linens outside in the sun。 This method creates the least amount of wrinkles。 As a bonus, the sun will also help keep them white naturally!
- Most importantly, you may need to be patient! Stubborn stains may take a couple of tries to remove。 Repeat the steps in this guide if your linen is still stained after the first try。

- 如果你用手洗你的亞麻布,確保它被徹底沖洗過。殘留的肥皂會導致污漬!
- *根據制造商的建議,用溫水或熱水清洗衣物。
- *一般不建議用烘干機烘干亞麻布,因為這樣會降低材料的整體壽命。它也會使熨燙變得非常困難。
- *在晾干之前盡量不要把亞麻布擰干,因為這樣會產生褶皺。
- *亞麻布很容易起皺,所以最好在亞麻布稍微潮濕的時候熨燙。
- *曬干你的亞麻制品可以讓它們保持白色。
- 亞麻布通常可以干洗,但要先檢查制造商的標簽。
- *如果你需要漂白劑,使用氧型漂白劑,而不是氯基漂白劑。氯漂白劑會使你的桌布變黃,這與你想要的完全相反!
- 小蘇打是一種萬能工具。如果你沒有酵素清潔劑,你可以用小蘇打,盡管去除污漬可能要多花幾次時間。
The Linen Store